
On the basis of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, our company GS Caltex Czech, s.r.o. has introduced an internal notification system for receiving notification of possible illegal activity.

Who can report?

Notification can be submitted by an employee, customer, supplier, job applicant, etc.

What is illegal conduct?

  • has the characteristics of a crime
  • has the characteristics of an offense for which a fine of at least 100,000 CZK can be imposed
  • violates the Whistleblower Protection Act
  • violates another legal regulation or regulation of the European Union in the listed areas

How can I file a notice?

  • in writing
  • by phone
  • in person (within 14 days of the meeting request)
  • through a web form

Who is the responsible person for our company?

The relevant person receives and assesses the reasonableness of the notification, proposes measures to correct/prevent the illegal situation and communicates with the notifier.

Responsible person for our company:

Bc. Lenka Šimarová

HR Manager

+420 595 390 710


What is the procedure after filing a notice?

  • within 7 days after submitting the notification, you will be notified in writing of the receipt of the notification
  • within 30 days (can be extended by another 30 days) of acceptance, you will be notified in writing of the results of the assessment
  • if the notification is evaluated as reasonable, our company will take the appropriate measure, which it will inform you about

Can I report anonymously?

Yes, but in this case the obligations under the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers do not apply to the settlement, e.g. to inform the whistleblower of the receipt of the report or to inform the whistleblower of the outcome of the investigation.

What is whistleblower protection?

A whistleblower is protected from retaliation – any conduct related to the whistleblower’s work that may cause harm to the whistleblower. In the case of an anonymous report, protection applies only from the moment the identity of the informant becomes known.